Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Day in the City

It was time to go back to the vet for more shots. Meander is really good at the vet- aside from his normal exuberance- and he's got a huge fan base there. It's really sweet.
Regretfully, both going down and back home we discovered he's not a car dog. Threw up both ways. Now I'm going to have to take him for short trips around the neighborhood to try and get him used to it. Poor thing.
Anyway, Jay wanted to take him for a stroll through the old neighborhood....And what would be just around the corner? Petsmart! He's never been in one, so....

Look at that! 50% off! Squeak toys! Toys! Toys! Oh, the noise! Noise! Noise! He got two.

Here's one.
Oh, and he weighs 40 lbs. 4-0 P O U N D S. Lord, help us.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
First Christmas Card

Today we got a Christmas card in the mail from my 81 year old Dad (trust me....he doesn't look it or act it), a man who has always had a take it or leave it attitude towards pets. I'm sure my adoration of dogs (and other critters) has left him baffled more often than not.
Anyway, it's a Snoopy card. And true to my Dad, it's a PUNny card. It reads....
Christmas Riddle-
How long did Santa spend in front of the fireplace? ...Snoopy asks the little bird.
He can't remember. He didn't keep a log!
It's signed, Merry Christmas, Dad.
The best part, from this pet apathetic Dad? The card was addressed to Robin, Jay and Meander.
I almost cried.
Thanks, Dad. And Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Never too old to Knead

Remember when I got this, and he fit in it perfectly? He still kneads it, but now it looks more like this.

They grow up too fast.
After all these weeks, we can see that alot of what we've been teaching him has stuck. It just depends on whether he remembers or not. He's learning that the better he behaves the more he can be out of the crate. Eventually, we won't need it at all. He's also learning not to bite as much and he licks instead. Being weaned so early, I don't know if that will ever end.
He did find a skein of yarn and destroyed it, and shoes are still his weakness....but that's not bad. Knock wood.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Jolie tagged me, but my human hasn't had time to take dictation so I've just been sitting here on the answer for DAYS.
6 Weird Things About Me....
1. I hiccup, alot!
2. I show my adoration by throwing up on you.
3. I lay on my stomach with my hind legs splayed keeps ALL of my underparts very cool.
4. Pit Bulls don't scare me (and human says they should).
5. I love to tumble forward, tail over head, down hills.
6. One of my best play toys is called a Flumpamous.
See? Not so weird....just a puppy!
6 Weird Things About Me....
1. I hiccup, alot!
2. I show my adoration by throwing up on you.
3. I lay on my stomach with my hind legs splayed keeps ALL of my underparts very cool.
4. Pit Bulls don't scare me (and human says they should).
5. I love to tumble forward, tail over head, down hills.
6. One of my best play toys is called a Flumpamous.
See? Not so weird....just a puppy!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
First Snow... First Christmas Tree

Dear Jolie,
My human tells me that you want a puppy because you've seen how cute I am. I think this is a good idea but I know that my human has not shown me in my best light. I am threatening to bring down that thing she calls a Christmas Tree if she doesn't tell you the truth, so here it is.
You haven't seen all of the pictures and you don't know how brilliant a puppy can be. For example, a slipper has a much stonger scent than that stupid thing they call a 'Flumpamus' does. I know...I know...slippers are what puppies do....but we do it so well.
You don't see me with my friends, the houseplants. They must love me because as much as I chew at them, they never move. In fact, they seem to give up pieces of themselves just for me!
And, my humans keep me in their bedroom at night. This is good because I'm a pack animal and need 'family' around. Knowing that, I rummage around my crate, banging and scaping....just so they know I'm there. If I need them, they must need me, right?
Everything is new to me...I wish you could see all of the things I have discovered...the stove, rock salt, scarves, rugs, coats, magazines, the ottoman, socks, remotes, cabinets, newspaper, toilet, cable wire (any wire is good...), refrigerator, table legs, grit on the floor (oh, my God- grit is great!), what they call tree needles, toilet paper, couch arms, mail ( I love mail.....), dust bunnies, cardboard....Oh ....cardboard. It is everywhere! Soda boxes, Christmas boxes, shoe boxes...heaven....
There are things I can do, but she never has the camera then. I can almost climb the sofa, if I use my teeth. I can jump down four stairs in one leap, though it makes my human grab her breastal area and scream. I can throw up at a moments notice and have several times. It's a useful skill that elicits interesting responses. I can slither past table legs, under footstools, around my crate, and over the backdoor stoop.
So, you can see my attributes are many. Get a puppy...he/she needs you. Call my human if you need to.
Your Canine Friend,