Tuesday, October 31, 2006


From Oct 31, 2006

Do you see how just one part of this picture is blurred? That's because he rarely stops moving. Today I am so tired.

Don't get me wrong, I love him and am glad we have him but he really wears me out.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Icy Gaze

God, what a beautiful day it was today. Near 70 degrees and the trees in this neighborhood are different than in the city proper. Much more colorful. But a windy, fall day makes for crazed puppy walking. Meander chased just about all of them.

We raised Casey in the spring and summer. He would sit out in the field and watch butterflies go over his head until he fell over backwards. Fewer butterflies than leaves.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


So, now that Meander has his shots he can play with other dogs. The gray pup is Hammer, who lives upstairs. Poor thing. Meander wore him out.

The black dog is Hershey and she's a strange one, but sweet. We met she and her human at the beach and she just stood and stared at the ground. Intently. I finally asked what she was doing. Watching shadows. That's all she does. We ran into them again at the tennis courts and she was....watching shadows. I swear she reminds me of the 70's...dog on acid. All that's missing is her saying, Man, I see trails.......

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Life Goes On

We took Meander to the vet today. It was so good to walk in there again. Christine, one of the assistants came out and saw me and her face lit up. Instead of greeting her, I just pointed to the corner where Jay and Meander were standing. Between her and the woman behind the desk one or two animals had to wait a few moments for attention.

For five minutes, our joy was theirs. Christine asked if we wanted Dr. Jeff. Well, yeah.

Not long after, we were ushered into a room and I flinched. It's a patients room I've seldom been in because it's small and in the past they rarely used it. But our vet has gotten popular and now they use all the rooms they have. In the above photo, I was once sitting in the chair Jay is in when I last saw Casey's thick and trusting tail leave me for the last time. Dr. Jeff led him away and Christine was there at the end.

I looked at Jay and Meander and took this photo. All I could think was, life goes on. A cycle. A circle. Grief and gratefulness.


These are photos of the day we got him, and then again today.....two weeks later. His growth is amazing and Jay is pissed he's wearing the same thing in each picture. Clothes horse.

Friday, October 27, 2006


I got this little dog bed at Walgreens for ten bucks. I think it must have been a good buy. You can't tell in this photo but he's kneading~as if he were with his mother. For just a few minutes, he's serene and quiet.

Tomorrow we go see Dr. Jeff at the vets office. I imagine he will be glad to see us with another pup.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Here You Go, Pepper...SUPERYARD!

As of this writing, Superyard is NOT a success.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Bring Me A Beer, Baby...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Monday, October 23, 2006

Never Stops Moving.....

Almost impossible to get a clear shot. Tonight I was too tired to try.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


He's getting bigger, and hungrier. The breeders notes don't seem to apply to this puppy.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

First Day at the Beach

Jay has been kind enough to give me the day off from puppy sitting, but the three of us did go to the beach. Puppies are chick magnets, even if there's another chick standing next to the puppy and the guy. I've met more women in the neighborhood.

Tomorrow he gets to meet Kevin~ his first extended family member.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Try Me

The little green thing is a massager. When you turn it on and put it on the floor is vibrates around. Had him fascinated.


Tomorrow we will have had Meander for a week. Already I can see differences. He's physically longer and heavier. He's finally becoming comfortable with being outside.

He freaked himself out today. There was a big, fluffy white dandelion in the park and he went for it. He drew back, having mouthed off all of the fuzz and then stared at it like, whaaa happened? Licking his chops all the while.....

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just Another Day in Paradise

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hump Day

No. Not just Wednesday. Today he humped (my knee) for the first time. Shame it's wasted energy....

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My Name's NO-NO Bad Dog!



Today's one, quiet moment.....

Monday, October 16, 2006

Trying on the Crate-Day 2

I now know I fit in Meander's crate. A horrid, bloodcurdling, heart stopping, frantic keening went up from the crate and I went in. He had been chewing on the bars and had gotten a tooth of his lower jaw stuck. It took some work but I got him twisted around enough to get it free. Then we went and laid down on the couch until I could recover. He was fine immediately.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

First Full Day

We were lucky with Casey, and we knew it. From day one he didn't cry, wake in the middle of the night or chew on things. Jay got up early for work and had the first shift of taking Casey out for his walk. I remember staying in bed watching in the half-light as Jay would get on his hands and knees to pull Casey out of the crate. Even then Case would go back to sleep while Jay put his jacket on.

Meander is not Casey. Though he didn't wake in the middle of the night, he IS very headstrong and is battling being in it. We made the mistake yesterday and this morning of giving him the run of the diningroom. Then realized our mistake and have got him on a schedule. Thank God we noticed early. He's got great retrieving skills, which is something I can't say about Casey~ our sweet Golden Recliner.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

First Contact Continues

Ladies and Gentlemen! This one's an All-Sleep.

First Contact

It's not the best of photos, but it's the first one. All of the puppies were in the basement~the three biggest in a pen to themselves. The breeder brought out the two males and let us play with them, watch them, whatever. I quietly kept my opinions to myself and subtly let Jay pick. It was obvious pretty early. The one on the left in the 'OHMYGOD' photo was ours.


Heading home.


The Humans Are Mine!!!!!!

Jessica~This One's For You

Friday, October 13, 2006

Twas The Night Before

Man against crate.

All ready.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The First 'OHMYGOD!' Photo

He'll be one of these. Around five weeks.

First Glimpse

He's one of these guys. Sent through email.

The Beginnings......

Parents, Yankee and Kaylon.