Saturday, January 27, 2007


Well, tomorrow is the big 5-MO....5 months old. We took him to the vet today for his final booster and he weighs almost 51 lbs. Vet was looking at his paws in consternation and asked us how big his parents were. Yep, he's gonna be big.

And, we almost made the entire trip without him throwing up. Then as I rounded the corner of our street- he hurled.

One problem is that he hates the truck. If I threw up every time I got in one, I'd hate it too.

He doesn't seem any the worse the wear for the attack by the Gigantic Golden. He ran back into the tennis court the next day and was ready to rumble. Thank God for small favors.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Bad day today. There are a couple of Goldens that go into the tennis court, one of which can be rather mean, the owners told us. In fact, for a while they asked other dogs not to come in while they were there. One day, Meander and I, along with Mark and his two dogs went in with them and everyone got along great. The owner of the 'mean' dog was really worried, but everything worked out fine.

To make a long story short- with that in mind, Meander and I went in and joined them today. I let him off leash and he ran over to play. In less than 5 seconds the most Godawful, heart-rending noise went up~and it was Meander. The dog had him pinned on the ground and the owner wasn't having alot of luck getting him off quickly. I screamed and ran, the howling continuing and he finally got free. I grabbed him and he wouldn't stop howling or shaking. The woman came over and started checking him over and trying to soothe him, and he howled and shook. Nothing seemed to be physically wrong~just sheer terror. Add to that I smelled something horrible, akin to a skunk. He was so afraid his anal grands expressed.

Finally, he calmed down and I hooked him up and we left. Aside from going out again tonight~ he has slept all day, sometimes on my feet.

When rabbits howl they sound like all of the sorrows of the world. I'm here to tell you, so can puppies.

Monday, January 22, 2007


What game?

What bone?

Secret bliss.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sweet Dreams

It all started when I got him a $10.00 dog bed. He suckles and kneads it. It's his security. But....

he's been outgrowing it for a while. Something had to be done.

The doorbell rang. Package for Meander!

What could it be?

Wow. A big boy bed! And yes, it has a bolster!

It's always nice to share.

Contented again.


I've been wondering what to do with the fireplace....

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Always Happy

Monday, January 15, 2007


This is his new pastime. He sits on the couch and watches the waves, the dogs on the beach, people trying to park, un-manned mail carts rocking in the wind. (That one made him bark so hard he threw himself backward.) Sometimes I lay on the couch and watch him: his ears going up and down in concentration. I look at the little flip they have at the bottom. His attention is in earnest.

We are bonding. He watches everything I do now, with more understanding than he had before. He listens. We are creating our own version of communication.

And he's reached a new plateau. He sleeps in the bedroom now, but not in the crate. We close the door so he can't roam, but he has free rein of the bedroom. He tries his hardest to fit on that little bed, but only half of him does. We have another on the way. Eventually he moves to my side of the bed and sleeps on the floor under the opened window, where it's cooler. Somehow, I always know when he's there.

Soon, the crate will be history and he'll have free rein of the house. And I'm sure he'll still spend alot of his time dreaming, out of the window.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Friday, January 12, 2007

Inches Added

We have reached the gawky stage. The puppy breath is long gone, as is the tender face, the sweet, round body. Look at those legs. They look like a deer's. This is where, as I remember from Casey, we go from mid-growth to adulthood and I won't even notice.

He no longer wakes~bright eyed and bushy tailed. Now he's groggy. Stretching those limbs long after we've gotten outside. I miss the maddening fury of morning that I hated so much at the time. Now, even as he grows, his body needs time.

He has an endearing quality. He follows you and touches you softly with his muzzle. Your legs, sometimes your butt. I thought he was sniffing, at first. He's not. It must be a pack thing. I'm here with you. You're here with me. I hope it never changes. There's a gentleness to it that defies description.

Lessons are being learned. Intuition honed. Personality set into place. As we walk into the tennis court and Mark (another dog owner) screams his usual, 'MeanderMonster!', my brain ratchets through all the days we've done that and all of the inches added in the process.

I ache for him to grow into that constant age that Casey seemed to be in forever (the one that began when he went solidly into healthy adulthood and ended when we got the bad news), and yet I want the newness~his fascination with everything, even now, when now is what he saw and experienced yesterday.

I guess I've reached the gawky stage. When loving him goes from sheer adoration to finding love for all the new things he's becoming. Reaching yet to know what he will be.


No matter my angst. Life is always better when the Dog Nana's here.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Idle Time is Golden

Saturday, January 06, 2007


Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Ignore the floor and rug. I'm busy putting away Christmas.

*****Blogger's done it again. To hell with it. I'm leaving it on.*******

Monday, January 01, 2007

'Happy' New Year!