Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Okay, one of two things is happening here.... As I so joyfully posted a week ago, Meander was finally neutered. His stitches are internal, his meds are done and we've been keeping an eye on the areas in question as the vet asked. There is no swelling or redness and for the most part he's not trying to bite them.
So today, I noticed that instead of being a crazed puppy who's constantly at my heels, he's been napping. Or just laying down watching me. He's let me leave the room for long periods of time without running to find me. His nose is warm, but when I just took him out, he acted fine.
Jay mentioned that during their walk this morning, he actually walked like he is supposed to.
So either he's not feeling well, OR (ohdeargodletthispleasebeit,ohpleaseohpleaseohplease...) getting snipped is actually calming him down.