Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Polie Bar

I'm posting because I don't want to forget this...

Meander is holding 'Polie (rhymes with Holy) Bar', one of his toys. He knows them all by name. The other night Jay and I went to bed. I was facing the windows when I heard Meander come in. He rounded my side of the bed and past the first window and stopped at the second. He hadn't seen me watching him or he would have come over for attention.

In his mouth was Polie. He gently placed him on the sill and started to sniff the breeze. Then he laid his head on Polie and just stared out, contented. I figured I'd have to put Polie back in the toy box the next morning. No. Meander picked him up, backed up to the first window, set him on the sill and sniffed the breeze. Nothing new.

Then he picked up Polie again, turned and left the room. Somehow, that was so endearing to me.


Blogger noisysmile said...

wow, he's something else : ) Rosie Pie has a few toys she knows by name. There's 'her lover' which is a battered penguin that honks like grandpa's old kubota. Then there's 'pelican' which is indeed a pelican. and last but not least there's 'myrtle', her squeaky turtle. all three are on the very top shelf in the living room waiting for repairs : ( she's been heartbroken ever since we took 'her lover' away. How did you come up with the name, "polie bar?"

2:05 PM  
Blogger Robin said...

Who knows. I have names for everything. Guess because he's a polar bear. He also has a Hedgie Hoggle, a How Now Black and White (cow) and a Blue MaGoo...but don't tell anyone.

I think he needs a pelican.

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

such a good boy...a good caretaker.

11:04 AM  

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