Thursday, April 05, 2007


There is a commercial running lately. Every time this woman uses her vacumn, it sounds like a squeak toy-several different kinds of squeak toy. Meander can be in a dead sleep in another room, and that commercial comes on and he's up like a shot~looking everywhere for the toy. I couldn't tell you what the ad is about~ because I'm too busy saying Meander...there's no toy....and trying to distract him.



Blogger noisysmile said...

hmmm. it might just be golden retrievers. if robert steps on a squeaky in the middle of the night Rose will wake up from a sound sleep and want to play. Yesterday she did the oddest thing I think I've ever seen in my life. Robert bought Peppy and her a wading pool and threw a few fish in there for Peppy (not to eat but to chase). Well these past few days it's been pretty darn cold so the wading pool froze up. Peppy went outside to look for his fish (obviously not there anymore) and became frustrated because of the layer of ice on top. Robert and I stood by the window and watched as Rose ever so carefully pulled out all the pieces of ice. She took them to the far end of the porch and dropped them. never once did she try playing with them. she would just pick them up and take them far away from the pool and drop them. I know this sounds odd but I seriously believe that she was doing it for Peppy. She wants everyone to be happy. I've never seen a soul like her in my life.

8:39 AM  
Blogger Robin said...

What a cool canine..... Wish I could meet her.

1:23 PM  
Blogger Barb said...

I've seen that commercial! My dog does that, too. :)

7:45 AM  

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